I wanted to do a something a little different for my baby boy arriving in Sept. Does Keanu sound too movie star? Will kids call him Neo. Will Keanu Reeves be as big a star as he is now?
Hawaiian names--- Keanu for baby name?
Don't do it. Even if kids his age don't get it, everyone about 10 years older than him will, and he'll get asked about it all his life.
http://www.amazon.com/gp/produ... Report Abuse
Reply:Hope those help. The first is just a basic yahoo search. The second is a book on amazon with Hawaiian baby names, that looks really good. You could probably trust the meanings in that book more than ones you'll find on the internet. Report Abuse
Reply:Also, as a person with the first name of Jennifer, and a last name that is strikingly similar to Beals, believe me when I say that I STILL never hear the end of Jennifer Beals/Flashdance jokes, and I am only 24. 9_9 Report Abuse
Reply:Why not Poi?
Reply:Keanu is cute...Here's some other suggestions --
Reply:I think that there is only one person that we know as Keanu...Im sure he will make tons more movies
Reply:Well I'm lazy and I don't pronouce Keanu Reeves name as Keanu, I pronounce it Canoe, but if it's only me that does that, then it's a good name. :)
Reply:Yeah, they will associate him with The One. Woah.
Reply:Sounds fine to me. Just don't name him anything that gets him beaten up all the time. My Grandson was born a couple weeks ago and they named him: Kirin Elijah.
Reply:Don't do it. I heard Keanu means manure in hawai language.
Reply:I think Keanu is cute. By the time your baby goes to school, Neo will be a thing of the past. They won't even know what the Matrix is. Below is a link for Hawaiian Baby Boy names. =)
Reply:1-800-CALL-CLEO, call her now for u free reading
Reply:i think a hawaiian name like Kai is better because the last name is so long, it's simple, original, and unique
Reply:That's a long last name he'll have! :o) I think both ending in u might be a little funny.... I definitely think a shorter name would be better to go with such a long last name.
Reply:actually i think that is a pretty cool name
Reply:People will AUTOMATICALLY assume the parents are in love with Keanu.
But, if you're ok with that, it's an awesome name and he's cool!
Reply:I think Keanu is cute, although it is true that many people will immediately think of Keanu Reeves when they hear it. I'm sure you have probably already received this suggestion but how about a name of a place in Hawaii? I know some people that named their daughter after a beach in Costa Rica that they loved (her name is Samara) and I think its beautiful. or maybe making up a new name with a combo of you and the fathers names. in any case, if you really like Keanu, then who cares what people are gonna think? your baby would not be the first to have a famous name anyways...there must be a million little Brittney`s and Christina's running around as we speak, lol.
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