Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What do you think of these hawaiian names?


Kaimana, pronounced KY-MAHNA

Makaio, pronounced MUH-KY-OH

Kalani, pronounced KUH-LAWN-EE


Hailei pronounced HAY-LAY

Luana pronounce, LOO-AH-NUH

Kamea pronounced KUH-MAY-UH

Kalena pronounced KUH-LAY-NUH

Kiana pronounced KEE-AH-NAH


What do you think of these hawaiian names?
For a girl...

Hailei Mahealani?

Luana Kamea?

For a boy...

Maikaio Ali'iloa?

Maikaio Kaimana?

I'm just dropping out some middle names that weren't necessarily put, as well and combinations of the ones you put...

I just had my son and it was hard to come up with a Hawaiian name for him.... LOL! I put in hour and hours of research until I finally came up with a name! Ha!
Reply:If you pick one of the first two names, minor consideration, they will often have to spell out their names for people on the phone. Kalani is common enough, though.

Same reasoning for Hailei and Kamea, I think. People might hear it as Hayley or Kamena. The other names are common enough. Luana and Kiana are sexy names to me, but who knows how they will be viewed in the future. There are people named Marilyn today, but I don't assocate them with Marilyn Monroe as was probably the original intention.
Reply:I am from NZ and maori names are similar to hawaian.

I don't like Kaimana, as it sounds like Kaimoana in maori meaning seafood

I like Makaio as a boys name

for the girls I like Kalena or Kiana, Kiana probably sounds more Hawaiian

Btw I am not a maori but a pakeha (white new zealander)
Reply:Boy - Kalani

Girl - Kiana Pele
Reply:Makaio Elan (Ee-lahn)

Kalani Kyah (Kie-yah)

Kalena Michaela (Mik-ay-lah)

Kiana Rayanne

Love the names you've picked! Gorgeous!
Reply:i like makaio for a boy thats really nice. and girls i like luana cause it sorta sounds like luna and just makes me think of the ocean at night with the moon n stuff, but i also like kalena. i dont know what kind of middle names though, i can't think of any that are hawaiian or close
Reply:Nahhh... Howz about "Meka-Leka-Hai Meka Heini-Ho"?
Reply:i like them
Reply:Some of these are cute, but I just wanted to let you know that I live in Hawaii and you are pronouncing several of these incorrectly.

Hailei should be spelled Ha'ilei (that's not an apostrophe, it's called an 'okina) and pronounced HAH-EE-LAY

Kalena is pronounced KUH-LIN-AH.

And when you pronounce them, don't drag out the vowels like in a typical American accent. For instance, don't say KUH-LAWN-EE with it all drawled out, it should be KUH-LAH-NEE, short and quick.
Reply:Kalani for the boy, for the girl im not sure
Reply:Kalani Makaio

Kiana Kamea

I also like Kaleo..i know it means Kim in english..but i dont like the name Kim! lol
Reply:Definately, Makaio and Luana. There really pretty names.

Makaio middle: Sun

Luana middle: Moon
Reply:Makaio (Lee??? Something short like that)

Kiana Andrea

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