My husband and I found out we were having twin girls a couple of days ago. I wanted to name them after my sisters, but I'm only having 2 girls and I have 3 sisters. Anyway, last year when I was 23, my husband (he was my fiance back then) and I lived in Hawaii for a year. It was amazing, we wanted to know any beautiful Hawaiian names and how they are pronounced (I looked on a website and wasn't sure of how to pronounce the names). Please help. Thank you!
Hawaiian names and pronunciation?
leilani = lay - lawn - eee
leila = lay - luh
kailani = kay - lawn - eee
noalani = noah - lawn - eee
Reply:Ailani (pronounced Aaelonnie) *High chief
Alaula (Uh-loo-la) *Light of Dawn
Halia (Howl-ya) *Memorial
Kailani/Kaloni (Kay-Lonnie) *Sea and Sky
Keana/Kiona (Key-yawn-a) *Cool mountain breeze
Keiki (Kee-Kee) *Child
Lanai (Lah-nigh) *Terrace/Veranda
Leilani (Lay-Lonnie) *Heavenly Flower
Lilo (Lee-Low) *Generous one
Lahela (Lah-hayla) *Ewe
Leiko (Lake-o) *Little Flower
Makaio (Mac-kay-yo) *Gift of God
Makelina (Mack-el-eena) *Woman of Magdala
Malana (Muh-lay-nuh) *Calming, relaxing
Maleah (Muh-lee-uh) *Sea of Bitterness
Milaini (Mil-ay-nee) *Gentle Caress
Nalani (Nuh-lah-nee) *Heavens
Noelani (No-uh-lah-nee) *Heavenly mist, dew
Palila (Puh-lee-la) *Bird
Ulani (You-lonnie) *Cheerful
Also, here are a couple of Aboriginal options, since they tend to sound kind of Hawaiian:
Kiora (Key-or-uh) *Greetings
Kylie (Ky-lee) *Boomerang
Myee (My-ee) *Native Born
Good luck! I think Noelani and Lanai are beautiful together. :-) Also, Makaio and Keana. :-)
Reply:Anuhea "cool mountain breeze." ---read as a-noo-he-ya
Aloha -- loving, kindhearted, charitable
Halina --- likeness
Wanika -- a form of Juanita
Sukey-- a familiar form of Susan
Moana ---"ocean" or "fragrance." read as maw-ana
Miliani -- caress ---read as my-liya-ni
Kawena---"the glow."
Kiele-- gardenia; fragrant blossom --read as ka-el
Kaleigh--a form of Kali
Kaley --a form of Kali
Leilani-- "heavenly flower" or "heavenly child." read as lai-la-ni
Maliyah -- a form of Mary --read as ma-la-ya
Kamea-- one and only; precious --read as ka-meya
Reply:Ailani - ah ee law nee
Alana - ah law nah
Aolani - a oh law nee
Iolana - ee oh law na
Kaila - kah ee lah
Kaimana - kye mah nah
Kaimi - kah ee mee
Kalani - kah law ee
Kalea - kah lee ah
Lana - lah nah
Lea - lay ah
Leia - lay ee ah
Leilani - lay lah nee
Reply:Leia is one of my favorite girl names. It's pronounced 'lay-ah' and it means 'heavenly flowers'.
Good luck!
♠ Qüéêñ has lots of hawaiian names, and you can request the pronunciations at
Hope this helps
Reply:I've always liked Melia. It's pronounced exactly how it's spelled and it means "plumeria"
Reply:Baby Names World, Origin Search, Hawaiian Names. Thats all I can tell you, I don't know any off the top of my head sorry. GL :) want Hawaiian names? Or want to know how to pronounce them?
Reply:Leialali- Lay a ahli
Almaya- All may ah
Reply:what is the question? Which name do you need help with?
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